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Jacquard Airbrush Colors

Jacquard Airbrush ColorsJacquard has spent an entire year redeveloping their of airbrush colors and succeeded in producing a high-quality paint! This paint sprays effortlessly with minimal tip-dry even at lower psi (air pressure.)

Jacquard airbrush colors work well on a variety of surfaces, including hard non-porous surfaces. On fabric, the paints are soft and permanent. The labeling includes color data (color index numbers and lightfastness ratings).

Jacquard Airbrush Colors are available in 48 colors in six (intermixable) varieties: Transparent, Metallic, Opaque, Fluorescent, Bright and Iridescent. The Opaques and Metallics have excellent coverage. The Fluorescents and Brights are incredibly intense and vibrant!

Jacquard Airbrush Clear Varnish is used as a topcoat on non-porous surfaces for added durability.

Jacquard Airbrush Colors can be used on almost any surfaces including fabric, leather, wood, paper, plastic and metal.


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